

Lighting systems are very important when decorating our homes. As a matter of fact, kitchen lighting is very important because our kitchens are one of the most active and functional rooms of our houses. For this reason, a well-placed bright light is valuable in kitchen use. Good lighting does not only lead to shadows and dark corners, but also to accidents that may occur by gathering your attention. At this point, smooth and excellent food comes out. In addition, since we have different processes in our kitchens, careful attention should be paid to illuminating these areas. Home decorations, where lighting is good, have a more stylish and spacious feel.

The lighting in the kitchen should be a low light that does not disturb the eyes of the diners and brings them all together. A dining light, elevated and hanging from the ceiling, for the dining table should be located 1 meter high from the table. Especially preferred by ladies, the most preferred are the most popular and used lighting. As for the variety of products, you can choose stylish and gorgeous models as well as plain styles for your kitchens.

The lights in the center of the ceiling provide a good basic lighting for the kitchen. However, this kind of enlightenment can create shadow in the studied field. For this reason, spot lamps and fluorescent bulbs should be placed under the upper cabinets. Spotlights placed on the shelf of your cooker, plates or kitchen appliances will form a focused light pool.

Bench tops need to be well illuminated. For this reason you can use hidden light bands under the cabinets. Be careful that the chopping, cooking and washing units are well lit. The lights placed on top of cabinets with wall mounts also make your kitchen more spacious by giving the effect of elevation to the ceiling. Choose a natural, white light in your choice of light and get a fresh, fresh look.

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