You know that in the Scandinavian countries the winter months last for a long time. For this reason, refreshing colors are preferred in the home decoration to get away from the gloom and darkness in winter. This style, which has come to the forefront with simplicity, has become a trend in the world in recent years. If you want to catch this trend, here are a few small suggestions…
As we said, the long winter months affect the decoration in this region. The Scandinavian countries, which have had to spend most of their lives in the dark, as a remedy, they use light colors in home decor. The white color used to illuminate the house is particularly noticeable. If you are a enthusiast of this style; you can create Scandinavian style at home using white for products such as curtains, seats, carpets. But try not to create a very cold environment while using it for white color lighting. To break it, use cream color, gray color.
Another characteristic of Scandinavian style is the use of wood. You can make a solid decoration by combining white color that you use in textile products with wood. This will break the brightness of your whites and create a splendid elegance in your home.
In the Scandinavian houses there are objects, which are made up of small but intimate pieces, as ornaments. Light colored trinkets, knitted blankets, wooden details…
Lighting is very important in Scandinavian houses. For this reason try to provide the room lighting with all sorts of methods that you can think of. Chandeliers, floor lamps, table and wall lamps… Choose industrial designs for your choices and do not forget the white, cream and gray color.
Comfort in the Scandinavian style is the front plan. In places, animal pelts and cushions are preferred. The seat and sofa selections are also spacious and comfortable.